The Great Ice Cream Debate
Mint vs. Blue Moon
Shvotz's Story

It started on a calm summer's day. The Monona Bait and Ice Cream store was having another great day. Mint, of course, being the great flavor it is, was just having another great day as well.

Then, one of the flavors ran out. No one knows which one, but a new flavor came in (directly up-left diagonal from Mint). That flavor was Blue Moon.

Some say the blue moon tasted like fruit was a little like it, but many disagreed. Besides, who would want an ice cream that tasted like fruit loops? Nevertheless, blue moon made its way into the ice cream booth, and just took over everything. Not only did it become popular (it rivaled Mint), but it just flinged several pieces of itself in all of the neighboring flavors...sherbret, yogurt, chocolate peanut butter, and even Mint! The nerve!

So, therefore, the blue moon is a menace to society, and must be stopped! Make the right choice today! VOTE MINT!