5'8 1/2"
I was born in a far away land and transported to Madison upon my birth where I lived with my family. I have been going to MG schools my entire life with Shvotz. We knew eachother BEFORE kindergarten! I never did anything very intersting. I was a big nerd. Then high school started. I took it upon myself to experience just about everything there was to do in Monona. I walked, I talked, I got haircuts. I rolled to Rocky's from the school during lunch. (The pic at the top of the page is of me returning to the school afterwards.) I lost horribly in a ketchep eating contest against my friend Bobert, and I was on the Krumpitz television program for a while too. I love movies and fish. As of this writing I am a junior at MGHS and I hope to not be stupid. For all the fun I am bound to have I will still have to learn crap too :(
After high school I plan to get some form of education pertaining to the internet industry and possibly even get a job involving this training or start my own professional wrestling federation, the UWAW. (pronounced you-whaa) With my business associates Bert and Shvotz I am sure to succeed beyond my wildest dreams.
Enter TBS:
Tear-e, Bert, Shvotz! A new era is beginning in our lives. We are combining our websites into a web empire and we are bound to have many wacky adventures which you can all be sure to hear about right from the source so stay online cause you don't want to miss a minute of this exciting action!
The Telepathic Abilites:
I have discovered that wearing masking tape on your head in certain
formations increases your natural psychic abilities by the tenfold. You are able
to read others' minds, sense feelings of people far away and in large groups,
and cheat on tests. I can not explain this phenomena or divulge how to initiate
it because you know the consequences would be severe if it fell into the wrong
The Webpages:
I have been involved in many webpages in my day. As a lad I stumbled across a pro wrestling simulation site known as an "e-fed". I liked it so much that I made my own using the geocities geobuilder. After months I was learing some html. Then my website was abandoned because no one would join my "e-fed". I used my webpage making skills to make a page dedicated to pro wrestling in general. Then someone found out my password or something and messed up the site beyond repair. After that I pretty much laid low. In 2000 I tried my hand at Tripod and constructed a site just about me, called the theater of the absurd. I never finished it sadly due to time constraints and technical problems. Later I got a geocities website and called it theater of the absurd in honor of my first attempt at creating the ultimate personal webpage. It had a fair amount of traffic due the large collection of pictures which were on it. I soon registered barrytowers.com and made it link to my webpage, I was king of the world until the unthinkable happend! Geocities messed up as usual and deleted nearly all of my pictures, I was heartbroken. It was a dark day for the world. Then I became a castmember of the Krumpitz television show and with Bert I constructed the show's official webpage. But then Bert quit and eventually I did too. Our buddy Kris took over the webpage and you can view it by clicking the above link. Bertandterry.com was my pride and joy. Bert and I put alot of time into it. It was a collection of funny stories and random musings from us which you can expect both to make appearences on this website.
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